Lumen Prints
The Lumen Prints below are from the trees that reside on my property, at this time. I have lived on this property for the last 17 years and the tree landscape has shifted tremendously during this time. We have lost many trees due to wind and weather and we have also had to cut down some of our most loved trees near our buildings so that we would not lose our homeowners insurance because of fire threat. The trees that fall are recycled and turned into firewood that keeps us warm in the winter.
I currently have around 200 trees of 15 varieties, big and small, damaged and intact.
The lumen prints were made by placing the leaves of every variety of our trees on photo paper, covering with glass and leaving in the sun to process. This is an image created by the actual touch of the leaf and the particular sunshine in our area. A one of a kind documentation.
Black Walnut
California Buckeye
Interior Live Oak
Silk Tree
Red Bud
Whiteleaf Manzanita
Mountain Mahogany
Blue Oak
California Black Oak