Below you will find galleries containing facts, photos, artworks and musings related to each tree that I am presenting in this project. These trees have surrounded and influenced me for the almost 40 years I have lived among them. It is only through this project that I have come to really know them and understand the impact they have had on my life. Please take some time and get to know some of the glorious trees that inhabit my bioregion of the Sierra Nevada Mountain range and foothills.
“A bioregion is a unique region defined by natural boundaries, rather than political.” (Thayer, 3)
The trees are labeled with their common name, scientific name, and Western Mono name. The descriptions and information sections came primarily from the Sierra Nevada Tree Identifier by Jim Paruk and all photos and videos were taken by me.
My home is in North Fork, California and is located on land that is sacred to the Western Mono people. The Western Mono people have lived, thrived and stewarded the land my home sits on and the trees that grow here long before my home was built. I acknowledge the Western Mono people for their care with this land and trees and pay my respects to the elders past and present.